On a blistering hot day last week, I travelled to one of my favourite trout rivers up north. The fishing was very slow indeed, but eventually I managed to find two big trout. The first one ignored my attempts completely in the ultra-bright conditions, making me feel clumsy.
The second one was rising steadily in the late evening, gulping down whatever insects the stream carried. It took my mayfly pattern on the first cast.
Music: Tapdance (Tapani Toivanen)
Performed by Jazz & Fly Fishing
Super nice trout! I somehow missed the pt 1 http://jazzandflyfishing.com/?p=4172 – but not anymore…
Good shit! Great vid Håvard!
“it’s a twenty inch trout!” — good stuff, LMFAO.
how much is that in centimeters ?!
Nice to see others as well try and try to catch a single trout without success. That’s happened to me so many times!