I´m in beautiful Savalen, Norway, investigating the secret sex life of the arctic char together with my friends Lars Nilssen (www.larsoglars.no, VGTV) and Morten Kraabøl (fish scientist from NINA). Nilssen got some incredible shots today!
For those of you who aren´t familiar with Lars Nilssen´s work, he is the man in Norwegian fishing film, with a long list of hugely successful productions on his CV. The whole thing will be published on VGTV in a while. I´ll let you know!
While we wait, here´s a quick sneak peek video made from some handheld clips I took with my DSLR today:
Music: Ranjit Prasad (F. Hamrå/H. Stubø)
Performed by Jazz & Fly Fishing
And here´s some pics:
Holy macaroni!
WTF! Looks like every big char in Norway decided to have a meeting…