It’s 7 in the morning. Me and Fredrik are on the train to Oslo, where Håvard, Tapani and Petzi are waiting (or still sleeping…?).

Our Oslo homeboy, Håvard, has planned everything to the smallest detail, as you can see in the following mail:
Wed. 25/5: Tap, Håvard And Petz arrive late in the evening from Ransarån.
We spend the night at my place.
Thur. 26/5: Urban Flyfishing.
Fri 27/5:
1. Fredrik and Joona arrive at 10.45 at Oslo with the morning train
from GBG.
2. F&J take the metro 3 stops westwards. Same building as the train arrives, and
any line will work. Ticket costs NOK 25,-, and the machines take all Nordic
credit cards/debit cards.
They get off at Majorstuen, where they meet up with Petz, Tap & me. We rehearse for as long as we want in the nearby Norges Musikkhøgskole (NMH).
3. We leave the borrowed bass (I fix) and Fredrik´s cymbals at NMH (the security there is like Alcatraz, so nothing will get stolen from there).
We go together to x, set up the camp and fish. To get there, we take the metro to x and walk for x minutes on a
gravel road. Good trout lake with nice tenting spots. It´s certainly not the
X, but it´s pretty OK – dry fly fishing for wild trout of good quality
and acceptable size, fully edible, and the water is good to drink. Also some
perch if we want to.
So I suspect there’s some playing and some fishing coming up. Tomorrow it’s gig at Herr Nilsen, and I’m sure Håvard has some more secret Oslo tricks in his sleeve. Stay tuned!
Looking forward to the concert!
We Ready !