Music! Music! Music!


This time of year can be pretty depressing.

Christmas is in a month´s time, it´s freaking cold outside, and the Nordic Winter Depression™ is rearing its ugly head again. Same procedure as every year.

So I figured this might be a good time to recommend some really good music. Listening to good music won´t make you rich, good looking or famous, but it will take away some of the pain of winter life – for a little while. And that´s not a bad deal if you ask me.

Here we go:

1. Miles Davis: Live-Evil (Columbia 1971)

You need to get this record. Seriously, this is the coolest stuff ever. Play it loud!

MilesDavis: Live-Evil

2. Kullrusk: Kullrusk (Moserobie 2005)

This supercool Swedish band´s music is the perfect antidote against winter depressions. Pure joy of life!

Kullrusk: Kullrusk

J.S. Bach: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, played by Glenn Gould (CBS/SONY)

This music makes me believe that the human race might have a future after all.

J.S. Bach: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier, played by Glenn Gould

Catch ya later –




There is no arguing the first selection, but I am not so sure about those other two, but I will admit I have never heard of the artist or the CD.
But, what about Dave Brubeck’s “Time Out”!
Come on guys! There isn’t a better CD, than that, I mean those time signatures are awesome!

Håvard / Jazz & Fly Fishing

Yeah, I agree Brian, Time Out is definitely a fabulous album and a real classic.


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