We´re playing in Oslo on saturday 28th. Venue: Herr Nilsen, at 16.00.
Oslo dwellers: Don´t miss this rare opportunity to hear the band live – this is our first ever Oslo show!
We´ll be showing some new videos before the concert, and since we´ve started shooting Jazz & Fly Fishing: Season Two, our cameras will be rolling all the time. Be there, and you might just get your beautiful face in our new film! We´ll of course be signing our brand new album, too.
PS! We´re currently planning a European tour in September. There are still a couple of openings, so if you have an idea for a cool place to play (that pays a little bit), and has some half-decent fishing nearby for anything that swims, we might just be interested. Send us an e-mail!
PPS! A new, revolutionary competition will be lauched here soon! Stay tuned!
PPPS! We´re off to Ransarån in Northern Sweden on saturday. We´ll keep you posted. Can´t wait to get thoroughly humiliated by the big arctic char again! Finally, the endless, ugly Nordic winter is starting to fade a little bit (let´s hope it doesn´t read this and decide to make a comeback;).
PPPPS! We´ll even try for some pike on the way. We probably won´t succeed (it´s too early for the Lapland pike), but you never know, you know…
I can hardly wait!
Jes, it´s gonna be a blast!