JFF lifestyle, part II

Here’s a glimpse of one of the fishing trips me and Fredrik did last week. It was the first week of the sea trout season and despite mostly cold and windy weather we had some nice moments of sunshine. I also got a chance to test my new JFF-camera: it’s a GoPro HD Hero videocamera that is waterproof and very tiny. Easy to carry on wherever you go. The week was not only blue skies and sunshine, and also the darker moments were captured on film. So there’s more to come…

Oh yes, I almost forgot! The music on this video clip is a sneak peek to the material we recorded a few weeks ago. The tune is called “Hatch”, and is one of my compositions for this band. It’s not mixed yet, and I mercilessly faded out from the beginning of Tapani’s wonderful bass solo. Sorry Tap!



I must say the camera shoots super cool wide-angle stuff. This is gonna look fantastic mixed with regular videocameras and DSLRs. Really looking forward to the Ransarån trip now, we might get some really cool shots there with this kind of equipment.


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