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GoPro underwater focus fix

The GoPro HD Hero video camera has created a huge buzz this year. It is a small super wide angle video camera with a rugged underwater housing and several mountings for different applications: you can attach it on your car, boat, helmet, bike, wrist, fishing rod, guitar, model helicopter, plane, skateboard… Basically anywhere! It’s small… Read more »

How To Remove a Hook From a Human Body

Here´s a trick every angler should know: how to remove a barbed hook without any tools at all. It´s swift and painless! While casting for a big, rising seatrout in the middle of the subarctic summer night, Tapani was unforunate enough to hook himself in the nose with a big fly. Luckily, I have done… Read more »

The big trout perspective

The picture of the monster trout on the previous blog made some people suspicious. Was the picture somehow manipulated? Or was the fish really that big? The answer to both questions is yes. The picture has been digitally manipulated, but the size of the fish is real. We’ve had countless discussions about how a picture… Read more »

Huge trout – incredible!

Here’s a sneak peek for one of the upcoming blogs. Håvard caught this huge trout on one of our recent trips. Stay tuned, we’ll tell all about it later!

Petzi's Revenge Part 2

Sometimes, success can go to your head. Petzi, our producer took another shot at a big trout after landing a very beautiful 1,3 kg dry fly trout. This time he wasn’t as succesful.

The Tables Have Turned

4th of July 2010: After spending the better part of last summer chasing us four bandmembers around with a camera, it seemed only fair that our producer, Petzi, should make the first cast on this beautiful wilderness river up north. After all, Petzi is a passionate fly fisherman, and it must have been very difficult to… Read more »

Jazz & Oil Wrestling

What combines jazz & fly fishing? Well, what combines jazz & oil wrestling?! It was a very hot day in Helsinki, Finland (+30C) when we went to see this remarkable event. I was surprised to find out that many of the contestants, spectators, the commentator and even the accordeonist were renowned jazz musicians. Thanks for… Read more »

Short Report

Hi! I just came back from Vadsø/Varangerfestivalen, where I had the great honour and privilege to play with the legendary Polish trumpetplayer Tomasz Stanko and his quintet. I was substituting for the band’s regular guitarplayer, and it was so much fun! Tomasz’ compositions are really fascinating, totally open but still structured. Beautiful pieces. The interplay… Read more »

Fly Fishing – an Improviser's Game

In interviews, we’ve often said that improvisation is one of the common denominators between fly fishing and jazz. In fly fishing as in jazz, you have to be able to adjust quickly to the ever-changing conditions and deal with unexpected challenges. A recent example: Three days ago,  I went up to my cabin in the… Read more »